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If all goes well, the sixth government will be elected on the 24th of December 2021 — with or without the constitution, the transitional rulers now say. The 6th government, hopefully, will be the final government of stability the Libyans are waiting-for for the past ten years. The elections for the 6th government will be organised by the 5th government (the GNU).

The 6th government is referred to as "the 4th transitional period" by the head of the HNEC, Mr. Imad Sayeh, which he says is not the final government of stability.

On the other hand, the GNU prime minister, Mr. Dbeibah, said the government to be elected in December 2021 "will end all transitional periods".

However, according to HoR member Aesha Athbalgi (see next video), the December 2021 government will last for "four years" — which is the usual period for elected governments in most democratic countries.


HoR member Aesha Athbalgi says the December 2021 government is for four years.

In any case, the current government will have two options: either fail or succeed:




24 December 2021

Option 1:

Fail, and predictably end up contesting for Fezzan (with Sirte being the political capital, and Sabha being the cultural capital); thereby dividing Libya into three countries. The failure is predicted on scientific grounds: lack of constitution; the refusal to write & agree on the constitution (for 10 years and still counting); lack of security; lack of law; lack of unified army; refusal to dismantle all militia groups and brigades; shattered economy; persistent foreign interference; UN hidden agendas (agenda 21, agenda 2030); and about a dozen more reasons known to most Libyans.





24 December 2021

Option 2:

Succeed, dissolve all other governments (PC, GNA, HoR, HCS); dissolve all the militia groups (numbered in hundreds); unite the Libyan Army; and miraculously Libya returns to normality, unity, stability, prosperity, peace, and tourism flourishes once more, as if nothing happened at all.

The odds against this gigantic scenario are enormous, and the task is truly Herculean, but is doable; so long as the "greens", "federalists", "Berbers", "Tebu", "women", "Islamists", "Christians", "Jews", "secularists", "militias", "criminals", "foreigners", and "regional powers" lay their arms and embrace peace once and for all! 




libya map broken into 3 regions

It also requires the UN to leave us alone, simply because we would not have been in this mess if it had not been for the UN, in the first place.





حراك من أجل ٢٤ ديسمبر

24 December Movement


It is not clear who the members of the 24 December Movement are. According to two sources [1, 4] and according to their first statement (see below), their official spokesman is Mr. Abdulla Algheryani; while according to what seems to be their Facebook page [1], one of their members is named (indirectly) as Mr. Ramzi Aljedi (رمزي الجدي). The Facebook page [1] has no information under "About" section.


Abdulla Algharyani: civil movements & peaceful protests are necessary to correct the current situation.
الحراك المدني و التظاهرات ضرورة العودة لممارسة الضغط و تصحيح الأوضاع الراهنة


According to Ramzi Aljedi, the "24 December Movement" (24DM) was established on the 7th of February 2021. Mr. Aljedi noted that the HoR appears to evade the time span allocated by the Geneva agreement for holding the presidential and parliamentarian elections, as it is currently delaying the approval of the budget presented by the GNU [1], just as it is still delaying issuing the necessary laws for the elections.

Mr. Aljedi also noted that the HoR appears to use the referendum card for the wrong reasons:

ولفت إلى أن مجلس النواب في الأيام القليلة الماضية أصبح يدخل على المواجهة العامة بكلمة حق يراد بها باطل وهي الاستفتاء على الدستور، مؤكدًا أن الاستحقاق الانتخابي في 24 الكانون/ديسمبر القادم عليه إجماع شعبي بالكامل، لكن الاستفتاء على الدستور إلى الآن في ليبيا مازالت مسألة خلافية. وأردف: “جميع الناس يريدون الانتخابات في الموعد المحدد والبعض يريد الانتخابات من خلال الاستفتاء على الدستور والبعض يريدها من خلال قاعدة دستورية تُضمن في الإعلان الدستوري ثم نقوم بالاستفتاء على الدستور أو تعديل الدستور وما يتبع ذلك، ولكن الجميع مُجمع على أن الانتخابات تاريخها 24 الكانون/ديسمبر القادم”. وأوضح أن الانتخابات استحقاق شعبي، للانتهاء من الأجسام الموجودة وهي مجلسي “الدولة والنواب”، مشيرًا إلى وجود تواصل للحراك مع أكثر من جهة سواء كانت لجنة الحوار أو أعضاء مجلس النواب. وأشار إلى وجود تصريحات تصدر من بعض أعضاء مجلس النواب أن مجلس النواب في لبنان مستمر منذ 30 عامًا، وأن هناك بوادر لوجود تعطيل وتمديد مدة بحيث أن الحكومة لا تكون حكومة مؤقتة. وأقر أن هناك محاولة للتمديد للحكومة الحالية من قبل مجلسي النواب والدولة، وأن مجلس النواب من خلال تمديده للحكومة يكون يمدد لنفسه وباقي المؤسسات. واختتم: “هذه الحكومة جاءت من أجل مهام وبناء على خارطة طريق هي حزمة واحدة ومهام هذه الحكومة تبدأ بنيل الثقة وتنتهي بموعد الانتخابات في 24 الكانون/ديسمبر القادم، وبعد ذلك بقاء الحكومة من عدمه يرجع إلى الأجسام المنتخبة سواء كان رئيس الدولة أو المجلس التشريعي الذي سيتم انتخابه”. [1]


08 April 2021

According to "حراك من أجل 24 ديسمبر" (24 December Movement), the Libyans will take to the street once more and call for a general strike and total "disobedience" if the current leaders or the "Legal Commission" decides to deny the Libyan people the right to elect their president.

This announcement came after rumours circulated that the UN-imposed legal commission (part of the UN-imposed LPDF) is discussing the possibility to allow the parliament select a president for Libya, instead of the promised direct vote by the Libyan people.


24DM statement

Statement by "حراك من أجل 24 ديسمبر"

statement in English




Dbeibah pledges to respect LPDF agreement

PM Dbeibah's signed declaration to uphold and respect the results of the LPDF agreement including holding the elections on the 24th of December 2021. The source of the document is the Facebook page of the 24 December Movement: [1].


Manifestoes & Statements [2]

Download Warning Statement 1 (Arabic)


Download Warning Statement 1 (English)


Download Clarifications Statement (Arabic)


Download PM Dbeibah Declaration To Uphold LPDF Agreement Results


Manifestoes & Statements (With Different Logo)

The following documents carry a different logo from the documents listed above. However, they are also posted in the same Facebook page [1], and also published by other Libyan websites, for example, 2018TV (see reference [3]). Therefore it is not known if they belong to the same Movement or not. In one of the statements by the 24 December Movement the spokesman did note the fact that there are a number of fake pages with the same name. Temehu.com shall not be held responsible for the authenticity of these documents, and thereby given here as they are published by the given sources.

Download Statement 2 (Arabic)


Download Statement 2 (English)


Download Statement 3 (Arabic): in statement 3 the movement holds the UN responsible for delaying the elections in relation to the constitutional base. it also urges the the HNEC to cancel the existing electoral register and start a new one; as well as noting that the HoR had exceeded its legal period (تجاوزوا مددهم القانونية).


Logos With Similar Names:


24 December Movement     movement with same name     movement with same name

Logos with similar names.


Opinion: Foundation First:

The fact that the Harak seems to insist on the elections on the 24th of December with or without the constitution, may indicate that the Harak itself is "problematic" and that its objective to campaign for holding the elections with or without the constitution may not be for the good of the country; when most political analysts and legal experts agree that a constitution is required in order to lay the foundations for the state before any elections could take place.

The fact that it has been now 10 years (and still counting) and the constitutional committee still delays the referendum could only indicate some sort of hidden agenda for the transitional leaders to hijack the whole process and thus the country itself. Such leaders could thus be behind many of the transitional bodies, governments, committees, conferences and movements to ensure their stay in power for as long as they want.

Going for elections without a constitution would widen the chasm rather than bridge the gap. Hence, as stated by Nadia Omran (a member of the constitutional Committee), a constitution is required before any elections to hold the elected people accountable. For example, what happens when the elected government decides to set up a new constitutional committee to rewrite the constitution to suit its needs and thus extend its lifetime?

The Libyans need to open their eyes and pay more attention to what the transitional leaders are doing and to the movements, groups, committees, and militias created by the transitional governments to extend the Libyans' agony for an indefinite period.

The Libyans have been waiting, in agony, for ten years, and therefore a few months more, or even another year, would be nothing more than a drop in the ocean, so long as the elections will be held on proper foundations and in a safe environment capable of actually protecting the elected government.

Additionally, all the following issues need to be resolved before the elections, and in fact they should have been resolved before the 2012 elections, had there been wise leadership and had the Libyans steered away from the UN:

  • remove all militias & brigades (without exception)
  • unite the Libyan army & secure all borders
  • deport all foreign mercenaries & dismantle all foreign bases
  • severe connections with all foreign organisations including the UN (they had 10 years to do the damage the UN had inflicted in 2011 and they have failed; so why should we trust them any longer?)
  • complete the constitution and approve it
  • hold presidential & parliamentarian elections when there is an army to protect the government
  • dissolve all current governments & hope for the best.

If you are a member of the 24 December Movement, please take a careful look about what Nadia Omran had said regarding going for elections without a proper constitution.



[1] https://www.facebook.com/حراك-من-أجل-24-ديسمبر-106489738181518/
[2] The source of these documents is the Facebook page of the 24 December Movement: https://www.facebook.com/حراك-من-أجل-24-ديسمبر-106489738181518/
[3] https://www.218tv.net/حراك-من-أجل-24-ديسمبر-أعضاء-البرلمان-تجا/
[4] https://www.libyascoop.com/حراك-من-أجل-24-ديسمبر-نحذر-من-التلاعب-بحق/
[5] https://aac-news.com/حراك-24-ديسمبر-يعلن-الخروج-في-مظاهرات-للمطالبة-بالالتزام-بموعد-الانتخابات
[6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP_14YT8hD8






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24 December 2021

























Coming soon; stay united



























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Coming soon; stay united



























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Coming soon; stay united



























Coming soon; stay tuned