




Access keys:

Access keys are keyboard shortcuts that provide quick access to most common pages without the need for a mouse.

Access Keys are activated by pressing simultaneously two or three keys, depending on browser:

Safari: Shift + Alt + the corresponding letter or number from the following table.

Firefox: Shift + Alt +the corresponding letter or number from the following table.

Chrome: Alt + the corresponding letter or number from the following table.

Internet Explorer: Alt + the corresponding letter or number from the following table.

1  Home page
2  Temehu Blog
3  Terms & Conditions
4  Privacy
5  Copyright Policy
6  Site Map
7  Accessibility Page (this page)
S  Skip to content


Increasing The Size of Text

To change the size of the text on the screen, do one of the following:

Using Firefox: go to the View menu, select Text Size and then either Increase  by hitting the keyboard keys: Ctrl and + (Control and the pluse sign); Decrease by hitting Ctrl and -   (Control and the minus sign). To return to normal size press Ctrl and 0 (Control and zero at the same time).

Using Apple Safari: click on View, the select either: Make Text Bigger, Make Text Normal Size, Make Text Smaller. Also you can click on the small letter A on the menu bar to make text smaller, or click on the bigger A to make it bigger.

Using Microsoft Internet Explorer: go to the View menu, select Text Size and then either Larger or Largest.

Using Opera: go to the Tools menu, select Preferences, click on the Web pages tab, select the normal font button, and then adjust the options in the dialogue box that appears.

If you are using a mouse with a wheel, then hold down the Control Key (bottom left corner of keyboard) and turn the mouse wheel towards you to make text larger (to bring it towards you), or push the mouse wheel forward to make the text go away from you and thus smaller.


Skip Navigation

Access Key is S. Skip navigation is provided for users with screen readers. It can skip the menus and go directly for the page's content.



Browsealoud is a computer software that allows visitors to listen to web content rather than read it themselves, by moving the cursor over the text. Browsealoud is free to download from: browsealoud(dot)com.


PDF Documents

Accessible PDF files have their graphic elements stripped off and therefore are less efficient than plain HTML where graphics can have Alt tags to describe them. If you are having problems accessing PDF documents please visit Adobe website.